Link has lived in quite a few places throughout The Legend of Zelda series. He’s had a quaint island home with his grandmother and sister in The Wind Waker, and a nice forest loft in Twilight Princess. He’s lived among the Kokiri in Ocarina of Time, and sometimes he’s had no home at all!

My favorite of Link’s homes is the one available for purchase in Hateno Village in Breath of the Wild. The Hylian Homeowner quest is one of my favorite side quests in that game, and by the time the house is fixed up with a door, a sign, and different racks for showcasing weapons, it feels like a genuine Hylian home. Another thing I love about Link’s home in Hateno is that, in the Champion’s Ballad DLC, Link gets a very special picture that sits on his nightstand next to his bed.

Also to note, Hateno Village seems like a great spot to live in! There’s an abundance of shops, and I feel like there’s a clear path to other key spots in Hyrule; it wouldn’t be hard to get around on foot or by horse. Hateno Village is also just pretty, and I love where Link’s home is situated. There’s a large shade tree, a pond, and a magnificent view! I like this house because, if I were a Hylian, I could find myself living there in an instant, and I love that it fits the quaintness of Link’s previous homes in other games.

What you think? Which of Link’s houses would be the most fun to live in? Sound off in the comments below!

This Daily Debate was suggested by Discord user GJTPJ#1387!

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