Earlier this year, I wrote a Daily Debate about why Princess Zelda needed her own spin-off game. Now, with the announcement and release of Echoes of Wisdom later this year, that wish is coming true. I’m beyond thrilled for this spin-off. Nintendo is very wisely reusing the assets from the Link’s Awakening remake to give this game a charming visual identity, and the echo ability is perfectly in line with Zelda’s character. As I watched the announcement, I excitedly began wondering where it might fall in the expansive Zelda timeline.

Based on the visuals, it’s likely this game could take place before or after Link’s Awakening, or even after Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons in the Downfall Timeline. There are definitely a few easy spots where this game could fit without disrupting any continuity. While these options are the most likely scenario, I also wouldn’t mind if this game takes place in the Child timeline. Both the Child and Adult timelines are quite sparse, with only a few stories each. Personally, I feel the Downfall timeline is overloaded, so it would be great to see another game in one of these timelines. It would expand the lore and stories that can be told in these spaces.

What do you think? Should Echoes of Wisdom fall outside of the Downfall timeline? Let us know in the comments!

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