No video game is perfect. Even among my own top 10 favorites, there are elements and sequences that are a slog to trudge through again. The Zelda series is no exception, as each entry I’ve played features at least one stretch of gameplay that’s considerably less enjoyable than the rest of the adventure. Throughout the years, I’ve heard many fans take issue with portions such as Ocarina of Time’s Water Temple, Twilight Princess’s ancient sky book questline, and Skyward Sword’s tadtone hunt, to name a few.

For me, though, one section in particular immediately comes to mind. Compared to how much I adore the rest of this game, no sequence stands out — in the worst way — as much as The Wind Waker’s Triforce quest. The older I get, the less patience I have for tedious filler content; Twilight Princess’s aforementioned sky book quest is definitely a low point, but at least that one is fairly linear and can be completed within about an hour. Conversely, in my experience, tracking down the Triforce shards has always been a several-hour-long errand. These days, once I reach this point of the journey, I immediately load a separate save file set at Ganon’s Tower. I just can’t do it anymore, folks!

So as not to be a total downer, though, I want to reiterate that The Wind Waker is a wonderful game; and I totally respect that this quest may not bother many of you nearly as much as it bugs me. That said, I’d love to hear your thoughts. Among your favorite Zelda titles, which sequence would you most rather skip? Let us know in the comments below!

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