Since its inception, the Zelda team has sprinkled elements of the role-playing game genre throughout Link’s adventures. From Zelda II’s leveling system to Breath of the Wild’s upgradable armor, the series has been fairly dynamic in its tributes to RPG conventions. Now, whether one would classify any Zelda game as a proper RPG is pretty subjective, as games are continually borrowing from a variety of genres.

These days, the term RPG means many different things to different people. For some, it involves creating their own character that – depending on how they play – can significantly impact the world and story. Meanwhile, others may classify an RPG as any game with an experience-point system and/or turn-based combat.

With that said, based on your personal definition, which key aspects of the genre would you like to see in a Zelda game? As I reflect on my favorite RPGs – Mass Effect, Fire Emblem, Persona – the dynamic among the party members is one of its strongest ingredients. Essentially, I would love for a Zelda title to take an already recurring element – the companion – to the next level. In Tears of the Kingdom, for instance, how neat would it have been to have Riju, Sidon, and friends as proper followers with their own back-and-forth? The “phantom” companions were a fun gameplay mechanic, but I can’t help but lament the untapped potential of that idea.

What about you, though? What RPG elements would you like to see in an upcoming Zelda game? Let us know in the comments below!

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