Despite the somewhat inconsistent timeline of the Zelda series, when newer installments subtly call back to characters or locations from past games or even feature the slightest Easter eggs from other entries in the series, my serotonin levels skyrocket.

Speaking of calling back to previous games, sometimes I specifically wish the series would feature more situations like the epic meet-ups between the Hero’s Shade and Link in Twilight Princess. Or in other words–moments where a literal Link from the past teaches a new successor what he knows so he can also succeed at defending Hyrule. I always adore the moments when the Hero’s Shade (the Hero of Time) teaches Link his hidden skills because it is the only instance when two of our heroes in green come face to face in the series.

But I want more.

Hopefully in the future we can see some of our favorite incarnations of Link reappear to help a new descendent who is facing a force of evil similar to what they faced in the past. Witnessing deeper connections between the heroes who share the same curse of Demise always just adds a little extra special something to the series in my book.

What about you? Would you like to see past heroes appear in future Zelda games? Let me know in the comments below!

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