The Legend of Zelda just celebrated its 35th anniversary.

Thanks to the pandemic and a rise in video games, the Zelda series has seen an explosion in popularity as new fans continue to discover the games on Switch. Although each game is fairly standalone, over the span of 35 years, the series is built on lore which can be missed if one does not play the first several games. There are currently 19 games (not including remakes or spinoffs) in the Zelda series. Given that many of these games are from separate console eras, it can be, even with Nintendo remastering some titles, difficult to play them all unless you can find the necessary consoles or are savvy with emulators.

Do you think Nintendo should port all 19 Zelda games to Switch (or Nintendo’s next console) in order to allow newer fans of the series to play the older games? Or is it just a waste of resources and man hours to do so? Are newer fans better off looking up the lore online, especially for more obscure titles?

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