Having recently done my first ever play through of Four Swords with its release on Nintendo Switch Online, multiplayer Zelda has been fresh on my mind. Throughout the many games in the series, there are only a select few that include multiplayer options — namely Four Swords, Four Swords Adventures, Tri Force Heroes, and a few side minigames in Spirit Tracks.

Most of these games were created to be played on handheld consoles like the Nintendo DS or the Game Boy Advance (with connections to the GameCube), but I wonder if Nintendo would ever create a multiplayer Zelda game on a future larger console. I had a lot of fun playing through Four Swords, but it was rather short and limited. However with the Switch (and the future new console’s) capabilities, I think the Zelda team could create masterpiece of a multiplayer game that includes a full-length adventure. Perhaps even just with the capacity for two players to play as Link and Princess Zelda.

It’s been a long time since we’ve seen a multiplayer entry, and they don’t ever seem to take themselves too seriously (looking at you Tri Force Heroes). Maybe it’s time a for a new coat of paint!

Would you like to see a multiplayer Zelda on a main console? Let me know in the comments!

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