Is Link an extrovert? This may seem like a strange question. The arguments are ringing through my ears right now. The guy who never talks? The guy who hasn’t said a single word in almost 40 years? He doesn’t seem very social at all. On paper, Link is the most introverted person to ever introvert! Or… is he?

The terms introversion and extroversion refer to the level of socialization one uses to recharge their energy. Introverts charge up on alone time, while extroverts charge by being with other people (ambiverts do both; but for the sake of the argument, we’re not bringing them into this.) There seems to be a common misconception that introverts prefer to be silent shut-ins, while extroverts are loud, party people. Contrary to this belief, there are plenty of loud, energetic introverts; and, in kind, there are certainly shy extroverts.

Link may not talk a lot, but he definitely quests a lot. And here’s the thing: most of his side quests are self initiated. Some NPCs offhandedly remark they need ten mushrooms or their son is lost in the woods, and Link scurries off to retrieve them without even being asked. I’m sure he’s doing this out of the kindness of his heart, but perhaps there’s another motivator. A lot of his main quests are rather solitary; I wonder if he takes on these side quests to connect with other people and recharge his energy. I’m just saying, he APPROACHES a lot of people. As an introvert, I probably wouldn’t go up to many random strangers just to chat.

Of course, there are many iterations of Link. I personally believe all of them could fall on the extroverted spectrum, but what do you think? Perhaps there’s a mix of introverted and extroverted Links? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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