There are without a doubt some great side-quests in the Zelda series. One that immediately comes to mind is the Anju and Kafei quest, which is probably one of the most memorable missions of Majora’s Mask. However, when I was playing through the game originally, I didn’t complete it. Why, you ask? I was too busy trying to get through the main game to find other quests.

The question I’m posing here is simply this: Is side content that important in Zelda games? Perhaps the development team should spend less time on smaller optional quests, and spend more time buffing up the core of the game. This could provide a more enjoyable experience. However, for others, this could leave them disappointed at a lack of side content. It really depends on how much enjoyment you as a player get out of optional quests. What is your opinion? Let us know in the comments below.

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