We are due any day for someĀ Breath of the Wild 2 news! Hopefully we will get something before summer is over. That way, we can all start hyping over this game again! However, the question I keep asking myself is, how important will the title be? From what the folks at Nintendo have said, the title has been kept ambiguous so far because it could spoil key elements to the story. But what could this mean?

Taking a look at other past games, many of the titles like Ocarina of Time and Skyward Sword definitely allude to important elements of the story. But for Breath of the Wild? Hardly any spoilers can be taken from that ambiguous title. So the sequel’s title must be a dead giveaway for something major that’s going to be part of Link and Zelda’s adventure in the sequel. From some minor hints we have received, it seems that time travel will play a part. Maybe the focus will be on restoring the Master Sword? But who knows? Whatever we are in for, I thoroughly believe this game will be legendary (no pun intended)!

What do you think the title will be? Will it hook directly into the game’s plot or core gameplay mechanic? Let me know in the comments!

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