It’s been a month since the much-hyped Majora’s Mask 3D was released for the 3DS. One of the major changes that Nintendo made to this re-released classic was the addition of a bright, giant eye to highlight the weak spots of each boss monster. Now that many of us have had the opportunity to play, if not finish, Majora’s Mask 3D, I thought it was about time to ask: what do you think of the giant eye?

Does it make boss battles way too easy? Some Zelda fans may prefer to figure the bosses’ weaknesses out for themselves. The boss is part of the dungeon, after all. It’s another puzzle. It’s true that your companions always have hints to give, and your fairy tends to hover around weak points, but because they’re so small, those are the kinds of things you can ignore if you choose to try and come up with your own battle strategy. You can’t exactly overlook a gigantic eye.

Is it a welcome change? Maybe you’re a player that dreads the boss battles at the end of each dungeon or temple. We’ve all had difficulty at one point or another where a boss was too challenging. The eye gives you something to aim for, where you know you won’t be wasting arrows, bombs, and hearts on trial and error. It might even prevent you from getting stuck, allowing a smooth gameplay, virtually free of frustrated “breaks” for weeks or months on end.

Either way, there are bound to be people that love it, and people that hate it because it’s a major change to something that so many fans already know and love. What do you think? Yea or nay? Should they include this feature in future Zelda titles? Let us know!

Sorted Under: Editorials