Youtube member goodbye18000 shows off their character creation skills in Soul Calibur by recently uploading a video recreating the well known duel between Link and Dark Link from Ocarina of Time. The two character models are custom made to resemble Link down to the pointy ears and even fight in a watery cave resembling the Water Temple. Within the video we see a five round fight between the two combatants to the tune of the overworld theme of Twilight Princess. Jump inside to see the video for yourself.

After having played out this very scenario in Ocarina of Time and Smash Bros, it is interesting to see in Soul Calibur. I definitely love seeing the characters in the Soul Calibur style graphics. Even if they are just a little bit off they are still pretty close to the look of Link. It makes Dark Link look all the more menacing a figure. He has so much more detail than the black silhouette we saw in Smash Bros. I only wish the tunic looks a little less like a dress.

So what do you think? Did you like the video? Does this make you want to play Soul Calibur V? Let us know in the comments below.

Source: Youtube

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