Courage Hoodie Giveaway Winners!

The long wait is finally over and we can now announce the three winners of the Courage Hoodie Giveaway! In case you missed the previous posts, this contest was designed to challenge you to depict in some sort of creative medium what courage meant to you. The lucky first place winner would score one of the fantastic new Courage Hoodies generously provided by 15 BIT GAMER.

First of all: apologies for how long it took to judge this contest. There were 99 valid entries and it took quite some time to evaluate them thoroughly (several times in some instances) to select the winners.

So who won the prizes? Make the jump to find out!


We had such a wide variety of entries with everything from essays on courage, to fan art depicting courage, poems about courage, raps, paper craft… it was a joy to review them all and select the winners!


Third Place (winner of a set of “Composers Notes Magnets“)

Name: Maddie

Conquer yourself
Undertake the challenge
Remember who you are
Answer the call
Gather your wits
Endure to the end


Second Place (winner of the Courage T-shirt)

Name: Luke


First Place (winner of the Courage Hoodie)

Name: Matthew G


The winners have been contacted via email. If for whatever reason they do not respond within a week, a replacement winner will be chosen.

If you didn’t win, I urge you to visit 15 BIT GAMER’s website and purchase the hoodie or shirt there!

Thanks again to all who entered for making this contest such a joy to judge! And once more: thanks to 15 BIT GAMER for providing the prizes!


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