Twice a year we’re treated to one of the biggest speedrunning events in gaming: Games Done Quick. Over the course of the week long event, we’re treated to an ever-growing collection of speed runners who give up their time to tackle games and utterly destroy them through glitches and otherwise nefarious means. Some of the highlights of this event include the various The Legend of Zelda games, and during the latest iteration of the marathon: Summer Games Done Quick, Zmaster91 tackled Four Swords Adventures and over 2 hours 15 minutes and 38 seconds he completely destroyed the game.

As well as playing Four Swords Adventures, Summer Games Done Quick also ran Ocarina of Time, A Link Between Worlds, Link’s Awakening DX, and Zelda II: The Adventure of Link. All of these, as well as all the other games that they played during the event, can be found on their YouTube channel in one handy playlist. You can always view the Glitch Exhibition for Ocarina of Time here.

What do you think? Did you watch any of the SGDQ runs? Let us know in the comments below.

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