OCReMix has long been a place for fans to upload their remixes of classical video game tunes, and the Zelda franchise is no stranger to the site. ReMixer Nostalvania has composed and uploaded an arrangement titled “Have Ship, Will Travel.” The composition is described as a 3/4 time signature and using reharmonizations. There are a number of themes from the franchise sampled throughout, including “Arryl’s Theme”, “Mabe Village”, and “Zelda’s Theme.”

I personally love the sound of this remix. It feels like it would make good ambiance for walking through a forest. I can’t say I get a very “ship” feel from it, but the remix is nice, smooth and it flows very well. I’ll be sure to check out more of Nostalvania’s work after hearing this.

What did you think of the remix? Do you have any favorite Zelda pieces on OCReMix? Let us know below.

Source: OCReMix

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