Zeldatower Hello Zelda fans. I’m back once again to bring you another Collection Spotlight. This feature has been very free and open to interpretation. As you have seen in the past, Spotlights come in all forms and sizes. There have been detailed lists, homemade items, close-up pictures, picture-less posts, and this week showcases a very short and sweet collection with a very rare item complete with pictures.

Michelle is a big fan of my favorite, Ocarina of Time. More specifically, she has a fond affection for the young Zelda from Ocarina of Time. Hit the jump so you can read about Michelle and her collection.

Hi I’m Michelle and I’m 29 from Southwest Florida. I have been collecting Zelda stuff since Ocarina of Time. I’m a pick-and-choose collector and I admit that I take figures out of packaging for display. My first game that I played was A Link to the Past which was my cousin’s and my favorite is The Wind Waker. My most special item is the Ocarina of Time store display tower. Some of the stuff displayed with it are the games themselves, capsule figures, Ocarina of Time collectable figure set, manga set, the English and Japanese versions of Hyrule Historia, and a commissioned young Zelda plush and wearable young Zelda costume hat. Not pictured are a Hylian Shield and Master Sword. In the future I want to get the Valiant Zelda comics and a full young Zelda costume or  A Link Between Worlds Zelda costume.

Thanks for starting a Collection Spotlight feature. I have seen lots of great collections posted there.








In closing I ask, would you like to see your collection spotlighted on the website? Do you want to share how you got into Zelda and show off the items you are proud of owning?
Send me an email at tyler@zeldadungeon.net. Include some pictures, a little background of who you are, how you got into Zelda, your first Zelda game, a listing of the items you have now, what you hope to own in the future, and your favorite item.

Please do not be frightened or discouraged when you see these showcases. I’m receiving emails from collectors who are hesitant to have their collections featured even though they are quite good.

Also feel free to comment on whatever you like. What was your favorite item? What type of items would you like to see in the Collection Selection? List it below and I will attempt to find it for sale!

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