There are so many items that are required and used throughout the Zelda series that it’s kind of hard to keep track of the ones you want to own in real life. Some of these items I wouldn’t personally owning myself some day (I’m looking at you Wind Waker baton!). It’s nice to see that there are talented craftsman out there that agree with me on that as there are some pretty amazing Zelda item replicas out there. Take for instance this replica of one of the most important items from a Zelda Oracle game.

Chompworks (a UK-based craft building group) put together this nicely detailed replica of the weather-changing wand known as the Rod of Seasons from Oracle of Seasons. This rod was built using a combination of a 3D modelling and printing for the ends, as well as a PVC pipe for the center. The wand that was originally built in the image above is a full adult scale size for cosplay that comes in at a bit over two feet tall.

If you want to build your own Rod of Seasons replica with the center to the length you desire, then Chompworks has a cosplay kit on their Etsy page that comes with the two ends of this item. For those who are in the not-so-talented group of DIY, then they can contact Chompworks through their Etsy site to have them build a full wand prop for you. An unpainted finish version of this Rod of Seasons cosplay kit will run you about $81.02 USD, while the painted finish variation will cost you about $94.52 USD. You can check out the gallery below to get a closer look at the top part of the rod.

What do you think of this replica of the Rod of Seasons? Will you be checking out any more of Chompworks stuff? Let us know in the comments below.

Source: Etsy

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