YouTuber Raz uploaded a video on a possible identity of the Fierce Deity from Majora’s Mask. His theory relies heavily on his video detailing the identity of Majora. To recap Raz’s Majora’s Identity theory, without too heavily spoiling it, in case you want to check it out, a certain individual from the beginning of the Zelda storyline has been torturing himself for ages. This person looked throughout the ages for one like the hero he met long ago in order to figure out the answer to his failure.

Raz notes that this idea ties in well with the Japanese name for Link when he wears the Fierce Deity’s mask, which is Oni Link. Raz states that “oni” in Japanese has two meanings. The first meaning is a literal translation of the word to “demon,” and the second meaning is “it,” as in the “it” called out in a game of tag. This second meaning sheds light on the nature of Link’s battle with Majora, as “it” is typically seen as the bad guy in a game of tag. Raz turns his attention to the word “demon” and further hypothesizes that the person who became Majora spent his years in isolation demonizing Link.

Check out the video, and let us know your thoughts on Raz’s theory in the comment section!

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