The “Main Theme” from the original The Legend of Zelda is the first official sign that your adventure has begun after you press the Start button. A few notes in and you are given all the confidence needed to complete the quest Link has been given. The power of this score can be felt throughout any version we’ve heard, including the one provided to us today by Tien-Hsin Cindy Wu 吳天心.

Wu’s cover of The Legend of Zelda‘s “Main Theme” is a rather unique take as she uses two violins and two violas. This expert violinist clearly demonstrates her skills by playing each different piece of the “Main Theme” individually and then putting it all together.

While a majority of her videos focus mainly on covers of other orchestral works and performances she has done, Wu has dabbled a bit in other game covers as well. She has produced covers of a few Breath of the Wild tunes, as well as a recent one in which she tackles music from Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

If you want to check out even more of what she is all about, make sure to head on over to her official website.

What do you think of this cover? Will you be checking our any more of Tien-Hsin Cindy Wu’s work? Let us know in the comments below.

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