If you love Majora’s Mask (and who doesn’t?), take a look at this stunning and unique diorama featuring the Moon, Deku Link, and the Deku Mask! This could be the perfect addition to your Legend of Zelda collection.

Sold by DioramasYP, this item is available on Etsy for £90 GBP (approx. $115 USD), and includes free UK shipping (worldwide delivery is available at an extra cost). This handmade diorama utilizes the deep, rich colors typical of Majora’s Mask. It displays a highly detailed model of the falling Moon alongside a faithfully reproduced Deku Link and the Deku Mask. The box is painted dark violet and trimmed with gold, and its approximate dimensions are 200mm x 140mm x 40mm.

Why not check out the other items in DioramasYP’s Etsy shop? Or take a look at their Instagram to see more of their work.

Would you like to own this unique artwork? It could also form a perfect backdrop for other Majora’s Mask memorabilia too! Let us know what you think in the comments below!

Source: DioramasYP

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