YouTuber Sarah Willoughby uploaded her top five Zelda dungeons. She made her selections notably from Ocarina of Time, Twilight Princess, and The Wind Waker. Of course, she has more dungeons from the series that she enjoys, but the five dungeons that she listed are her favorite ones She also stresses that this list is her own personal opinion and realizes that her viewers may not share the same opinion she does. The full list of dungeons can be found below, going from five to one.

5. Water Temple from Ocarina of Time

4. Arbiter’s Grounds from Twilight Princess

3. Dragon Roost Cavern from The Wind Waker

2. Forest Temple from Ocarina of Time

1, Spirit Temple from Ocarina of Time

To see Sarah Willoughby’s reasoning behind this list, check out the video, and let us know your thoughts on this list, as well as your top five Zelda dungeons in the comment section!

Editors note: For the very few who probably remember, we haven’t forgotten about our dungeon based Zelda Versus Tournament. There have been some issues with our polling solution that is leading to some less than accurate results. However, the good news is that ZVS is going to be back in full swing later this week as we look to wrap up round one. It’s true what I always thought all along, a Zelda Versus tournament for dungeons is an extremely difficult tournament to run! ~ Nathanial Rumphol-Janc

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