Category: Zelda News

Inside The Great Deku TreeNot really sure whats up with Nintendo releasing an official video walk through of the Deku tree, of all places, but it’s out and ready to be viewed by anyone who’s been having trouble with the dungeon, or just likes to watch dubbed videos of Nintendo employees showing you how to play a game you’ve probably beaten more than seven times in your life.

The video itself stars Nagako Ikuta of Nintendo’s software planning and development department. Personally I think they should have had members of the U.S localization team do their own versions of the walk through, complete with English text, but that’s just me.

Come inside for more.

The map from the E3 2010 demoWell, this is a surprising turn of events. Looks like that contest that would have seen 25 Skyward Sword demo discs pass into the hands of fans isn’t going to work out after all. Instead, Nintendo’s offering free limited edition versions of the game. The reason? Apparently there were “organizational difficulties” that prevented what would have otherwise been every Zelda fan’s dream from becoming reality. Part of me wonders whether this was some kind of elaborate ruse to garner attention… Oh well, guess I should have known it was too good to be true!

Of course, you can count on us getting the full scoop on the game before release date, including exclusive video, screenshots, reviews, and a full-blown Skyward Sword Walkthrough. What kind of Zelda informers would we be otherwise?

Game Informer continues its month of exclusive Zelda coverage with a ten minute long video of some Game Informer staff members discussing their impressions of Skyward Sword. Although there is no new gameplay in the video, these guys have experienced about 6-hours of the game, so their thoughts are definitely worth listening to. VinceAm Vince and I like those video game things


As mentioned in yesterday’s post about the new Skyward Sword footage from Game Informer, we knew that the magazine would be releasing their ten-minute long Skyward Sword preview video today. However, the video has no new footage from the game. It’s a video of the two guys, who played Skyward Sword for six hours for the feature, discussing their experience.

While it’s not new footage, these guys have spent six hours longer with Skyward Sword than any of us, so it’s worth the listen.

Check out the video inside.

New Skyward Sword Footage: The Fire Temple & Boss

Yet again, we have another round of new Skyward Sword footage from Game Informer. This time instead of just one short clip, we have two short clips. These two new videos show off the Fire Temple. The first shows Link entering the temple and traversing his way around, while the second shows a segment of the temple’s boss fight.

We’ll be adding full videos showing each of the bosses to our Skyward Sword walkthrough page prior to the game’s release so you can see all the insane strategies for beating these huge monsters. It’ll beat the short clip after the jump by a longshot, let me tell you!

Check out the new stuff inside.

Skyward Sword Limited Edition bundle package art - the final designNintendo of Europe finally popped out a press release related to the UK launch of Skyward Sword, as well as all the other fall events related to the 25th anniversary of The Legend of Zelda. The press release introduces all the stuff we already knew about, such as the September 28th DSiWare & eShop debut of Four Swords Anniversary Edition, the Zelda Symphony concert in London on October 25th (I see what they did there), and the release of Skyward Sword on November 18, but it also includes a list of events where the public can try out Skyward Sword before launch.

Jump inside for the press release, which includes all the dates and locations. (Here’s hoping we get a similar tour stateside – or at least an exclusive look like what Game Informer and other media outlets have been seeing lately.)

Nintendo has recently released the official Skyward Sword fact sheet which contains some interesting tid-bits about the game. Most of the information has previously been revealed such as the E+10 ESRB rating, release date, and details on the limited edition package of the game.  However there is one small detail in the press release sheet that states some exciting news. Just a couple weeks ago we were first introduced to a trailer of Skywards Sword’s new upgrade system, as far…

You can upgrade your Wooden Shield to the Banded Shield…but the new materials system adds more than just upgrades…

A couple weeks back we posted up the reveal trailer for Skyward Sword‘s Item Upgrade system, which showed Link gathering raw materials from all over Hyrule to use for item synthesis. So far all we know about the upgrades is that they’ll involve bringing these materials to the Scrap Shop in order to add new durability and special features to your existing items (like his shield, seen above), but the updated press fact sheet straight from Nintendo reveals that there’s more to this new system than we thought.

Jump inside to find out just how much deeper this materials thing goes.


If you’ve been in the fan art community for awhile, odds are that you heard of Gonzalo Ordonez Arias, better known as Genzoman. Not only does Genzo, draw a lot of excellent fan art, but he does a lot of freelance work for video game companies. If you’ve ever played World of Warcraft, then you’ve seen his art on some of the loading screens. He’s also does a lot of Street Fighter artwork for Capcom/Udon. His work has also graced the cover of many gaming magazines.

It’s no secret that Genzo also loves Nintendo; he’s certainly drawn enough Zelda fan art to prove it (not to mention his latest Metroid piece).

Jump inside to check out his work.

Which items made the cut?Game Informer‘s Zelda-related feature of the day is their Top 10 Zelda Items list – yet another topic we’ve dipped our own feet into. I was personally pretty curious to see what would make their cut, especially given that the series has so many great items that it’s always hard for me to narrow down my favorites. I’m not 100% sure how I feel about Game Informer‘s picks, though – some of them seem lazy, like the Bombs and Boomerang, which are really mostly exemplary in terms of how iconic they are for the series rather than being particularly awesome.

Here are their picks, from low to high. (While I don’t agree that it’s earned its spot, part of me loves the fact that Bottles are on here – only in Zelda):

#10: Spinner – Twilight Princess

#9: Empty Bottle – Various

#8: Blast Mask – Majora’s Mask

#7: Clawshot – Twilight Princess

#6: Boomerang – Various

#5: Bunny Hood – Majora’s Mask

#4: Bombs – Various

Where are the top three? You’ll have to jump inside to see – and we’ve got our own Top 10 Items list after the jump as well in video form for you to compare (obviously, we think ours is better).