Category: Zelda News

Zelda to Invade Nottingham

If you live in the UK and love Zelda, then we have good news for you. On Saturday, October 29th, in honor of Zelda’s 25th Anniversary, Zelda will invade Nottingham.

The event, hosted by GameCity, has been dubbed ‘Zelda Anniversary Takeover Day’ and will take place in Nottingham’s Old Market Square, which will be transformed to look like Castle Town Market.

But besides the shear coolness of an official Zelda gathering, what will this Hylian festival have to offer?

Jump inside to find out.

Skyward Sword - the limited edition box!Nintendo of Japan finally announced the limited edition gold Wii Remote Plus bundle for Skyward Sword as well as the packed-in Zelda Symphony soundtrack CD, but they also disclosed some details we didn’t really know about how limited the production is going to be for these items. If customers want to pick up the limited edition gold remote, they’ll have to grab the limited edition bundle – just like in the West. As for the soundtrack CD, they can confirm that it’ll be included with all copies of the game shipped during 2011, and will discontinue production at the start 2012.

Alongside this announcement they explained that the game’s gold packaging is also a limited-edition special feature – at least in Japan. 2011 copies of the game will come in the gold box, while next year’s copies will feature a brighter white cover art. Jump inside for a comparison between the two.

For more images of Skyward Sword Limited Edition materials, check out our Skyward Sword Limited Edition bundle gallery.

Metroid II is coming to the IIIDS GameBoy Virtual ConsoleLooks like Nintendo’s really looking to hit the eShop hard this week! In addition to the already-known Four Swords Anniversary Edition, which will be available this Wednesday, September 28, European and Japanese fans will receive major Virtual Console games: Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins in Europe and Metroid II: Return of Samus in Japan.

Now, personally I haven’t actually played either of these titles – I didn’t pick up a Nintendo handheld until the GameBoy Color came out and missed out on a lot of those old monochromatic gems – but they’re two that I’ve been really looking forward to since they were announced a month or so back. No word yet on a possible American release, but knowing how the Virtual Console goes I’m sure it’s only a matter of time.

Hop inside for the NoE press release.

Link ConfusedIt’s an interesting question don’t you think? Link is always thrust into action, usually a child, and expected to do great things with little to no motivation. In Ocarina of Time he blindly listens to The Great Deku Tree, and entity most of the Kokiri never meet, and runs off to Hyrule Castle. As time progresses, Zelda is kidnapped. Zelda is a complete stranger. Link doesn’t really even know her. She was kidnapped. Isn’t this something for the adults to take care of?  No, it must be a job for this 10 year old boy. I mean, there is so much in it for him right?

In the end, this is a question for the ages: Why does Link do what he does? He’s a hero? Sure I guess. Still, what is his motivation? What is his reward? Well, we all know what he really wants…

Game Informer Discusses the end of Wind Waker

In addition to their month-long feature on The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword and Zelda’s 25th Anniversary, Game Informer also has a special feature on Wind Waker, which will be celebrating its 10th anniversary next year.

As part of their Zelda retrospective, Game Informer discussed their favorite Zelda games and moments. This special Wind Waker video focused on Wind Waker‘s ending and how cool it was. They compare the ending to other Zelda games and discuss the contrast between the cel-shading style and violent nature of the final battle.

Thumbnail image for Operation Moonfall LogoTo say Operation Moonfall has taken off is a bit of an understatement. The petition is rocking with 35k+ signatures. Facebook has taken off with a cool 16k+. Twitter is going slow, but it’s continuing to grow every day. At this point it’s safe to say that Operation Moonfall is slowly building into a force to be reckoned with. The desire for Majora’s Mask 3D may never be higher than it is right now. Are you wondering what exactly Operation Moonfall is? Check out the original movement, or you can slide on over to the official website.

Awhile ago we talked about phase 2, which involved getting the Japanese audience involved in this project. Unfortunately, we are still looking for some English to Japanese text translators in order to get the Operation Moonfall material ready to go. So, if you happen to have that sort of skill set be sure to shoot me an email at and we can discuss further details.

That being said, the overarching goal right now is to hit 50,000 signatures, 20k facebook fans, and 10k twitter followers in order to have a solid base to show off to Nintendo. We have some contacts within Nintendo of America, and naturally if you know people inside Nintendo of Europe or Nintendo of Japan, we could use your help as well. Bottom line is: When we officially present this initiative to Nintendo we want to show them this is a serious effort, and it wont be going away.

Thumbnail image for Skyloft, the home of the Sky People in Skyward SwordHD remakes are all the fad these days, but why do they have to only apply to games that have been around for awhile? This year, on November 20th in the states, we will be getting Link’s latest adventure on the Nintendo Wii. Skyward Sword is sure to be a great title, and possibly the greatest title in the series to date.

However, the next console is on the horizon next year, and Skyward Sword could very well make an excellent launch game. I am not saying that any of us need a second iteration of the title, but I know I would personally love to buy a HD version next year. It gives the title a second shelf life within it’s first year on store shelves, and it can help promote the graphical improvements the Wii U offers. Sure, there may not be any actual enhancements outside of upping the resolution, but would there need to be any?

People worry about what the Wii U Zelda title will hold. Will it have Skyward Sword‘s style? Will it go back to an advanced version of Twilight Princess like in the Wii U tech demo? What about revisiting The Wind Waker? No one knows, but I would appreciate to not have to always wonder what Skyward Sword is like in HD without resorting to emulation. I have a feeling it would really shine, and it should be cost effective to do and give the Wii U another solid title.

It makes sense to me. Would you like to see the same thing?

Ocarina of Time 3D's Prepaid Nintendo 3DS points cardOne tiny little detail hidden in an almost two-week old press release is about to get a whole lot more attention: the Zelda 25th anniversary prepaid download points cards are coming to America! We’ve already seen these cards show up in Japan and I’ve been aching to get my hands on them – but I’ll finally get my chance!

I’ve been really into collecting Zelda 25th anniversary bling this year: I have a Skyward Sword themed desktop background running right now, I still use my E3 2011 lanyard to hold onto my keys, and my Ocarina of Time 3D soundtrack is proudly displayed alongside my Wii games. Looks like I’ll have a couple other pieces to add to the pile! (Plus, I’ll get some good download content out of them, too.)

Jump inside for the press release snippet.

Official Nintendo Magazine to review Skyward Sword in their upcoming December (late-October?) issueThose Official Nintendo Magazines get all the luck. Looks like ONM’s got first dibs on a near-final build of Skyward Sword (the impression I’m getting is that the game hasn’t gone gold quite yet) and will be providing the world’s first review of the game in their next issue, which hits newsstands October 25. Will Zelda Informer get to this esteemed position someday? I certainly hope so.

In the meantime, we’re doing the best we can to offer our own exclusive premier content: screenshots, videos, reviews, and not one but two Skyward Sword walkthroughs: one spoiler-free version that guides you through the basic quest and another 100% completion guide that’ll lead you through every secret and sidequest. You’ll be able to access both guides from our Skyward Sword Walkthrough hub upon the game’s release. We’re hoping to make it bigger and better than our Ocarina of Time 3D Walkthrough, so it’ll definitely be something special!

Salt Art: LinkArt comes in many forms.  Last night while browsing through random fanart at about three in the morning(I couldn’t sleep), I came across art with salt.  I first saw this particular artist’s work in his Mario video, and quickly followed to his YouTube channel to uncover Link.

This is really interesting to see, sort of like watching the chalk art Nintendo had for Ocarina of Time 3D.  The artist, Bashir Sultani, is a graphic designer specializing in illustration and print.

To see the art with salt, hit the jump. CLICKITY CLICK!!! I also included the Mario salt art that I first came across before finding his other master piece.