megamanlegends3_02.jpgFor those involved in the movement to get Mega Man Legends 3 back in development, we have some good news today. The games program director Yoshiyuki Fujikawa made an update on his twitter about the situation.

Fujikawa-san was unable to officially take a side in the matter, but he wanted to offer a feeling of support, saying that if fans show enough interest Capcom will pay attention.

So it’s safe to say that Capcom is aware that a fan movement and petition do exist, it’s just a matter of how many people jump on board and sign it.

For those interested in helping the cause, you can go the group’s Facebook page and/or go directly to the petition itself. As of now 34,000+ fans have rallied on Facebook, while over 3,000 have signed the petition.

Source: Andriasang via Hachimaki

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