What do you think of when you hear the phrase “best Zelda game of all time?” It may be Ocarina of Time, or even the classic 2D A Link to the Past. After playing the latest game in the franchise, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, you may pick that. Here are some of the reviews floating around the Internet today. Keep in mind some of these reviews may contain spoilers, but none of the quotes we have included do.

GameSpot: 10/10 “…most impressive game Nintendo has ever created.”

IGN: 10/10 “…a masterclass in open-world design and a watershed game that reinvents a 30-year-old franchise.”

Polygon: 10/10Breath of the Wild also almost always feels like a Zelda game — and establishes itself as the first current, vital-feeling Zelda in almost 20 years.”

Nintendo Insider10/10 “We have long awaited the day that Ocarina of Time was dethroned…”

Destructoid: 10/10 “No game is perfect, but comes as close as it could get within its genre. The new game to beat in its sector; we’re talking pure video game ecstasy.”

Game Informer: 10/10 “…a new high point for open-world interactive experiences.”

Koatku: 10/10 “This is a game that will dominate dinner conversations. It’s a game that will lead to countless anecdotes, discoveries, and swapped stories.”

Metro.co.uk10/10 “In Short: The best Zelda there’s ever been, and very possibly the best video game ever made.”

Venture Beat: 100/100 “…I did feel like I was 11 years old and unlocking the magical secrets of Zelda all over again.”

USGamer5/5 “As someone who loves open-world games, this is one of the best out there.”

Video Gamer: 9/10 “You know when you were a kid, in the summer, you used to have huge pretend adventures in the back garden with all your mates?”

Gameblog.fr: 9/10 “If you were afriad of being disappointed by the new adventures of Link, rest assured: [Breath of the Wild] is a real Zelda, and probably one of the best in the saga!” (Google Translate)

Easy Allies: 4.5/5 “Rather than striving to out do Ocarina of Time, Nintendo has given us something entirely different, yet it’s impact is just as profound.”

Eurogamer: Essential “…it’s the first Nintendo game that feels like it was made in a world where Half-Life 2, Halo, Grand Theft Auto 3 and Skyrim happened”

GameXplain: Liked a lot “Breath of the Wild really was surprising me constantly.”

Nintendo Everything: Thumbs up “The experience is meant for anyone and everyone and adapts to how you play.”

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