It appears several more Zelda fans might wake up to some upsetting news yet again, courtesy Best Buy taking more pre-orders than actual product allotment. Previously, Best Buy had canceled orders of the Majora’s Mask New Nintendo 3DS XL if you ordered more than one, followed up by more cancellations due to not having enough stock allotted (taking more preorders than they had product for). Even Frys recently canceled pre-orders for the console. Today, we have news about the original Skull Kid Limited Edition Bundle. We have fans emailing us and contacting us on social media claiming their orders have been canceled at Best Buy. We are unsure how widespread this is, but the reason appears to be taking more pre-orders than the allotted amount they will receive.

This is the first time we have heard of any cancellations for this product, but the 3rd related cancellation by Best Buy. It seems the only retailer that has truly been safe to pre-order at is GameStop, as they haven’t canceled anything. This is especially frustrating, because we’ve known all along this was a true limited edition bundle, where as the console itself is still a bit of a mystery – you could possible find one in your local Walmart or Target on launch day. These bundles, however, were advertised as Limited Edition – so it sucks since there won’t be any more of these made available anywhere else in the United States outside of the Nintendo World Store in New York City.

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