Australian Skyward Sword

Update: Who cares about broken street dates, when as of 15 minutes ago, Skyward Sword is now out legitimately in Australia.

Everyone was kind of expecting Skyward Sword to be sold early by retailers in Australia, after what occurred with Ocarina of Time 3D. It is quite surprising that retailers have held off for this long, but just now EB Games has been contacting those with preorders and will sell the game over the counter to anyone who asks, even though they are not on the shelf.

We almost made it to the allocated launch day, but cracked just a mere eight hours beforehand. I have no news on other retailers, but Skyward Sword is all but officially out in the merry old land of Oz Aus. If you aren’t able to pick up your copy tonight, never fear, for the official release time is only just over 7 hours away now.

Having just picked up my copy, I can confirm that Australians get pretty much the same as North America. So that means no nice little ‘pocket’ or ‘sleeve’ for the Orchestra CD. Don’t forget that there is also a launch event for both Skyward Sword and Super Mario 3D Land in Melbourne tonight. Whether or not you get you copy today, tomorrow, or later, be sure to check back here at ZI and let us know how it is all going.

According to a tip from a commenter, JB Hi-Fi is also selling the game. As tends to be the case, as soon as one does there is a chain reaction amongst the retailers.

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