Telebunny: “Anatomy of Zelda II”

JParish of gives us an insightful article on the design conventions of Zelda II: The Adventure of Link. Anatomy of a Game is a series of articles wherein JParish, in his own words, dissects old video games for “no particular reason.” Hit the jump to get the link to the opening article of the series on Zelda II, and if you feel so inclined, to check out the series on the original Legend of Zelda.

The article kicks off with a look at the circumstances leading up to Zelda II, such as a desire to push for new ground in the still-primordial world of game genres. As is inevitable, comparisons to the first game come up, although I find they do come up gracefully, comparing the opening moments of each respective game fairly.

But enough from me, go and check the article out here!

Well, what did you think? Send us your thoughts on the article, or on game design in general in the comments! Let’s see some discussion people!

Source: Telebunny

Sorted Under: The Adventure of Link