link-e1323151837275.jpgI am sure many a fan has been slightly relieved I have been absent for a couple weeks, and likewise many may have been wondering where their ever faithful owner and webmaster had gone to. Did I vanish now that Skyward Sword is out? Of course not folks, but before I get into all that personal crap that maybe 1% of you will care about why don’t I show you some amazing fan art work?

To the left you’ll see some artwork by Dudu Torres, who is our featured artist of the day. you can hop inside to see two more amazing pieces showing his clear love and passion for Zelda. Of course, you can also hop inside to see where my life has been taking me these last few weeks. It’s not Zelda related in the least bit, so feel free to just enjoy the art and move along.



You can check our more of his work at his blog.

So, setting all that aside lets get “real” for a bit, something that I am sure is going to get fans to complain like hell because it’s not gaming related. Yeah well, too bad. I warned you! Essentially, I could sum everything up here by saying “gone due to a woman”, but that’s no fun is it?

Nate is still a single guy living the high life, drinking, partying, dancing, all the fun stuff. However, over the course of the last month or so I have started “seeing” someone. We technically had our first “real date” on a whim yesterday after work and it went well, but since we’ve been hanging out for a month or so we sort of already became friends. Of course, dating friends is a lot better than strangers right?

Anyways, she’s the first girl to really peak my interest in a while. I’ve dated others and had girlfriends, but this one seems different. She seems to like me for who I am, rather than who I sometimes pretend to be. Doesn’t care about money, sex, or any other meaningless shit. All about who I am as person. I am sure many of you out there can list of a zillion character flaws based off my online work and you would all likely be spot on, but she seems okay with my faults and shortcomings (one of which I feel is my weight, though she doesn’t. Still working on it!).

Of course, I have fun every time I am around her, and we can be serious one moment and silly the next. Occasionally I say the wrong thing, but I actually give a shit so it always feel like I am calculating everything to not fuck up and end up fucking up anyways. Sort of funny when I think about it really. She likes me, so why think? Just do!

We’ll see how it goes. I’m really not getting my hopes “too high”, because being cheated on 5 times and all that shit obviously puts the world into perspective, but it’s also got nothing to do with her. Oh, and for those fapping fags out there that only care about looks… she’s a pretty damn hot Russian girl. A 9 on the scale. I know, you all look at me in videos and pictures and wonder “how are you seeing a 9?”

I use to ask myself that question as well. Then I realized I am not really seeing her because of the looks, and I assume it’s the same way with her. We have fun together, and we care. For now, that’s enough. Though not together yet, things are going the right direction for now. So, I may continue to have spotty front site work for awhile.

And there was much rejoicing.

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