The following article is part of our archives and does not reflect current style guide standards. It is kept as is for posterity.

The beauty of the speedrunning scene for The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask, and it’s 3D remake, is that there’s so many different ways for you to speed run the game. There’s 100% and Any% of course, but then there’s also All Masks, 5 Masks, 10 Masks, and All Fairy Rewards routes.This provides a plethora of different ways for people to get their name out there on the speedrunning scene no matter what they’re taste is when it comes to gaming. The most recent update on the All Masks speedrun record has come from Twitter user fnuire. He has beaten the previous record of 2:38:52 by a whopping 45 seconds to set the new record at 2:32:07.


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