It has been nearly three weeks since we’ve started our A Link to the Past Enemies Artwork Competition. How the competition works is rather simple. Pick an enemy from the A Link to the Past Enemy Gallery and draw them. You are free to use as many liberties and your own imagination when transitioning these 2D sprites into your own artwork style. The competition will run for several more weeks until the staff picks some of the winners. Some of the artwork will get featured within guides here at Zelda Dungeon. Furthermore, we will be announcing prizes to the winners of the competition. Lastly, some artists will be offered positions here at Zelda Dungeon to help us out on future projects. If you’d like to participate simply send your artwork to webmaster @

As of today we have had 86 pieces of artwork submitted by 46 different artists. I previously featured seven pieces from the first batch of artwork submissions that we had and today I have several more. Featured above is a Stalrope, illustrated by Megan Coffey. You can go ahead and make the jump to see seven more amazing pieces from this recent batch. Furthermore, you can view the Facebook Gallery to see all 86 artwork pieces.

Snap Dragon by Megan Coffey

Anti-Fairy by Malik Edwards

Buzz Blob by Venus Lumayag

Blue Bari by Kayumi Soshi

Red Kondondo by Michael Butler

Bomb Knight by Wes Owens

Red Zazakku by Staargazer

Be sure to check out the Facebook Gallery to see all 86 artwork pieces that have been submitted.

Sorted Under: A Link to the Past