How Skyward Sword Could Look in HD

SSWhile trying to find an art style for Zelda Wii U, Nintendo experimented with various art styles in HD, some of which were art styles that had been used for past Zelda titles. As you may know, The Wind Waker‘s visuals were found to have a significant improvement, leading to the production of The Wind Waker HD. Now, the people on YouTube channel Nintendo Life have done similarly by testing Skyward Sword‘s art style in HD, and have since prepared a video that demonstrates how an HD remake of Skyward Sword could look.

Take the jump to see for yourself.

As this video is to show the HD potential of Skyward Sword, you will get the most out of it by watching it on 1080p.

At first I didn’t notice a huge amount of difference but once I adjusted the quality setting the difference was much clearer, especially with the detail on trees, characters, enemies and other items in the environment. What do you think? Can you see a noticeable difference in the HD version? Give us your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: YouTube

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