“Realistic Wind Waker” Skyrim Mod

Imagine if The Wind Waker was made without its iconic cel-shaded graphics, and instead with those similar to, say, Skyrim‘s? Well, in a sense, this dream has been made into a reality through a new mod by Konniksanders that inserts an area with the same layout of Wind Waker‘s Windfall Island into Skyrim. Jump inside and take a look!

The creator of this mod, who claims to have never played a single Zelda game in his life, has Windfall Island pretty much perfectly replicated. The headstone on the hill, the boar in the open field, the huge windmill, the stone archway… Take a look for yourself in this video tour:

I love that game’s music.

If the video did not convince you enough, compare it to the original:

What a dramatic contrast! It goes from such a lighthearted town to something so eerie and intense. It actually reminds me of the graphics from Twilight Princess, in a sense, because of how dark it is in comparison. Imagine playing through the entirety of The Wind Waker with those graphics! I personally do not own a copy of Skyrim, but if I did, this would be downloaded in a heartbeat.

The mod, which is still being tweaked, can be downloaded from Konniksanders’s page on Steam Workshop.

What do you guys think of this mod? Are you inclined to download it yourself, if you have the game? Comment and let us know!

Source: YouTube

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