Official Nintendo Magazine to review Skyward Sword in their upcoming December (late-October?) issueThose Official Nintendo Magazines get all the luck. Looks like ONM’s got first dibs on a near-final build of Skyward Sword (the impression I’m getting is that the game hasn’t gone gold quite yet) and will be providing the world’s first review of the game in their next issue, which hits newsstands October 25. Will Zelda Informer get to this esteemed position someday? I certainly hope so.

In the meantime, we’re doing the best we can to offer our own exclusive premier content: screenshots, videos, reviews, and not one but two Skyward Sword walkthroughs: one spoiler-free version that guides you through the basic quest and another 100% completion guide that’ll lead you through every secret and sidequest. You’ll be able to access both guides from our Skyward Sword Walkthrough hub upon the game’s release. We’re hoping to make it bigger and better than our Ocarina of Time 3D Walkthrough, so it’ll definitely be something special!

Source: Official Nintendo Magazine via GoNintendo

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