Art has many different ways for expressing someones personality and love for something. We are used to the more popular forms such as painting, writing, and drawing, but we usually don’t forget about the less popular art styles. Papercraft is a very popular form of art that a lot of us have never heard of or tried before. It’s an art that takes very impressive skills, but in the end, the artist can practically create anything he visions with his mind by simply using paper.

Zelda Dungeon forum member Poe is one of these great artists and has let us know about his website. Over at Hyrule Papercraft a group of fans have used their papercraft skills to successfully create many of the Nintendo characters that we have all grown up to love. This includes a lot of Zelda characters as well. Be sure to keep reading after the jump for some examples on how to build your own.

Above are some incredible examples of what this site has to offer. Zelda figures can be expensive and hard to come by, so why not make your own? If you have some free time on your hands, be sure to check out this site and try to create your own little Zelda papercraft figure. Complete instructions and more examples can be seen and downloaded on Nintendocraft’s official site.

Are you going to try and create your own paper Zelda figure or are you going to try another Nintendo character? Which is your favorite out of the above pictures? Let us know in the comments below.

Source: Hyrule Papercraft

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