Welcome to the Confusing World of Zelda

The universe of the Zelda franchise is a daunting thing to those out of the loop. There is so much to understand, yet so little you can know without playing the games. And it doesn’t help that Zelda has to have one of the most screwed up timelines in all of video games.

So, what does the outsider do? He pieces together what little he knows into what seems to him to be a logical theory. Now, to us, the veterans of the series( I call myself a veteran now, with my third game now in the bag and working on number 4), these trivial thoughts of the nonbeliever seem mediocre and stupid. But, remember this: there was a time for all of us when we had these misconceptions about The Legend of Zelda. Join me inside for a look at my personal miscommunications about the series.

One Link to be Them All

A Link for Every Trade

In Mario, it is always the same Mario. In Metroid, the same Samus. And, in my mind before I was enlightened, I thought that every game had the exact same Link.

It wouldn’t be a hard thing to do. He is iconic for using the same weapons(we’ll get to that later), he always dresses the same. He’s got the same name and physical appearance for crying out loud. For those that don’t know the time span of the series, it makes perfectly logical sense that Link is the same in every game.

Hyrule…Forever Alone

Termina Map

OK, so the Zelda outsider probably doesn’t know that the world is called Hyrule. But I can tell you what he does think: all the games take place in the same world. Makes sense that if you think that all the games have the same Link, he has to live in the same world in each of them, right. Made sense to me back in the day.

Ganondorf the Lonely

Ganondorf…I now know him to be only one of many Final Boss enemies in the Zelda franchise. However, I used to see him as Link’s Lex Luther; his only opponent.

An outsider is not going to know or want to know much about a series he’s not interested in. So, if he’s not interested in The Legend of Zelda, he’s likely to only know one villian. Since (Ganon)dorf if probably the most recurring villain, he’s the most recognizable, and the most memorable. Sorry, Skull Kid.

Master Sword and Hylian Shield…Standard Issue

master sword and hylian shield.jpg

In pretty much any mainstream official art, Link is going to be holding his trademark Master Sword and Hylian Shild. So, that’s what the outsider expects Link to be using all the time. He’s therefore also going to think that they’re the best, which is not always the case.

Link and Zelda: A Case of Identity Crisis

The main character of the Mario games is Mario. Sonic is the protagonist in the Sonic the Hedgehog games. And, I used to think that Zelda was the protagonist of the Zelda games. But not exactly as you might think. I knew that the main character looked like Link; I just thought his name was Zelda. It’s an easy thing to do, it’s not like they have the most gender-specific names in the world.

Sequels of Sequels

For the longest time I thought that Zelda games were direct sequels. While a few are, most are not, but the outsider has no way of knowing this. How is he to know of the confusing split caused in Ocarina of Time. The only timeline he knows of the game is the chronological release timeline. Hell, I still don’t understand the whole timeline thing. I just know that it’s not in any chronological order.

Have a Triforce for a Job Well Done

Look What I Found!

The triforce is hard to miss in the Zelda universe, even for an outsider. However, he only knows the appearance of the item. He knows not what it actually is.

For the longest time, I thought it was an obtainable item. I thought that it was a reward to Link after he finishes each game, like a medal. Boy was I wrong.

Link & Zelda: Royal Romance

Outsiders can be inclined to think that Link and Zelda either should be a couple, or actually are. More seasoned veterans to the franchise know that this is not the case in some games. It is never officially the case in any, but it is more feasible in some. But for some, such as Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess, Link and Zelda are essentially strangers pulled together by the tough times, and Link has a ton of other possible suitors. But the outsider knows none of this. He knows Link and Zelda are good, Ganondorf bad, the guy should get the girl. Not always the case though.

As you can see, outsiders can have some pretty absurd thoughts about our beloved franchise. These are just some of my outsider thoughts. I was closer to the series than most outsiders, though, as I have lurked around the Zelda Informer main site and forums for years. However, I am just now coming to see Zelda for the franchise it is. With Ocarina of Time 3D, Twilight Princess, and The Wind Waker under my belt, and with Majora’s Mask on it’s way to my front door, I look forward to further adventures in the land of Hyrule(or wherever else the series may lead).

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