Zelda Williams, named after the legendary princess herself, appeared at E3Nintendo’s really been pushing Zelda Williams as a Zelda series spokesperson since she appeared in a series of TV commercials for Ocarina of Time 3D a few months ago. One has to wonder how they’ll take the news that Zelda’s in support of the Operation Moonfall movement, which aims to garner fan support for a possible Majora’s Mask 3D release. She Tweeted about the Resistance

Operation a few hours ago.

So wanted to tweet one out to the @opmoonfall folks. Majora’s Mask is my favorite Zelda game, I’d love a 3D version! #FightOnGuys

Can they really justify not coming up with something now that their precious celebrity icon has said she wants to see Majora’s Mask on 3DS? With over 24,000 fans behind the movement within a short month, I hope it’ll be hard to say no this time.

Source: @zeldawilliams on Twitter

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