Super Smash Bros Board!

SSBB GameNo, this is not for sale, but it is definitely worth sharing. James Gabbard has shared this awesome creation, which is fully playable and customizable. The inspiration for a Super Smash Bros board game came from a Kotaku Photoshop Contest. He simply took the contest to the next level, and it only took him a whole month to complete! The player pieces seen in the video are the original twelve in their original art form and colored with your everyday colored pencil.

The board is set up with levels that show big moment’s of Nintendo’s history in chronological order, so it will be as though you are making your way through history. Not only that, but it has many references to jokes that any Nintendo fan will recognize.

The idea of fighting is to knock your opponent off the edge based on the roll of a die. Everybody has the same stats, but this game still requires strategy and not just luck. There are items to use in battle, so as the game gets going it gets more fun.

This is a little nostalgic for me, since one of my first projects was to make a board game. Mine wasn’t as cool as this, but still a lot of fun. I would probably buy this if it were to go on sale. Something to do when the power goes out, phones and handheld devices are dead, or there aren’t enough controllers for everybody to play.

Sorted Under: Nintendo News
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