I present a scenario my fellow Zelda fans: Let’s say somehow all the characters from every Zelda game could come together in a world and interact. In this collective land beyond the constraints of time, a dancing tournament is being held, drawing all the best dancers from the series. We have Durania, Kamaro, and many more beloved characters who have some pretty sweet dance moves! So, which character has the moves to win such a competition?

I think the top contenders would be Fi, Ghirahim, Majora’s Incarnation, and the Traveling Scarecrow. I could imagine Ghirahim doing some new, mystical dance routine akin to a mongolian shaman dance, perhaps to cast a spell on the judges to cheat! Fi would be in it for the long run because of the precision of her ballet moves, alongside her use of flight and light to weave an impressionable spectacle. Plus, very few dancers in the Zelda series could nail a Pirouette like her, and are flexible enough to Penché. As for the Traveling Scarecrow, he is always so happy, and enjoys dancing so much that he’d bring along a magnetic positivity that would take him far.

However, after some thought, my pick to win is Majora’s Incarnation. I think he has a secret repertoire of wild freestyling, beyond just moonwalking and disco moves, that would win over the judges. Regardless of who would win, one thing is for sure, it would be one epic dance off!

Which one character in the Zelda series do you think dances the best? Which characters would top your list of best dancers in the games? Sound off in the comments below!

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