Oh boy, here we go—it’s time to talk about remakes once again. After reading the headline, I know what you’re going to say. “But Zelda Informer, Ocarina of Time already got a remake. We have Ocarina of Time 3D!” No, Ocarina of Time has not been remade, it has been remastered. I’m talking about a remake built from the ground up in a new engine with new visuals. It can stay the same art style of course, but it doesn’t have to.

“But Zelda Informer, our argument still stands. Ocarina of Time has been remastered, why does it need a remake?” This is a valid argument, and one that’s up to you to defend or deny in the comments below. Personally, I wouldn’t mind a full HD remake on NX, even though we have a remaster on the 3DS. Ocarina of Time is one of the most memorable Zelda games for a lot of fans. However, is there really enough of a demand for an HD remake to happen? Be sure to let us know your stance on the question posed in the comment section.

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