CryZENx, an individual who has been reconstructing many Ocarina of Time locations using Unreal Engine 4, has recently uploaded a video of child Link from Ocarina of Time in a room with blocks and rising and lowering water levels.The demo is entitled “Zelda Ocarina of Time/Nvidia Water Cataclysm Demo.” The water appears to be stunningly realistic when it is not spilling over the blocks. When the water does come in contact with something, somewhat blocky droplets form on the surface of the object before sliding off of it. In this aspect, the physics seem realistic.

Sometimes, the water even has a pink sheen on its surface. There is not much for Link to do, other than jump around from block to block. Interestingly, Link sinks to the bottom of the room, even if it is filled with water. In any case, it appears to be an area made for fun, or to display the realism of certain elements within Unreal Engine 4.

Check out the video, and let us know your thoughts on this demonstration in the comment section!

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