For those who are unaware, The8BitDrummer is a Twitch and YouTube channel dedicated to covering some nostalgic video game tunes on a drum set. Most of The8BitDrummer’s work uses percussion instruments found within the song he is covering. On Twitch, he takes requests for songs to play while he streams. One video, taken from a stream and uploaded to YouTube is none other than a cover to Ocarina of Time’s Gerudo Valley.

The8BitDrummer plays the parts of Gerudo Valley that use drums with precision. The strings, horns, and clapping parts of the song are played for listeners to enjoy while The8BitDrummer provides the drumming segments, which makes for a unique sounding cover. It is clear that the drummer finds enjoyment in doing something he is passionate about, which is refreshingly positive to witness.

Check out The8BitDrumer’s cover, as well as his YouTube channel, and let us know your thoughts in the comment section!

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