Warning: Material contained in this video is considered NSFW due to crude language and adult references.

The Game Grumps recently uploaded an animated short from part of their play through of Ocarina of Time. This short was made by Paul ter Voorde, and features Saria. If one is not familiar with the Game Grumps and any of their animated pieces, Arin and Danny usually turn the average cutscene, in this case, Link talking to Saria before he leaves the forest, into a ribald, sometimes darkly themed comedy sketch during their play through. An animated work focuses on that comedy sketch through a new medium.

With that specific dynamic in mind, the Grumps take a simple parting of ways and turn it on its head. For example, Danny, giving voice to Saria, notes the anatomical differences between her and Link. As a result, this particular animated piece, while well-made and humorous, is not something to view while at work.

Check out the animated short, and if you’re interested, more of Paul ter Voorde’s and/or the Grumps’ work, and let us know your thoughts in the comment section!

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