People who were fortunate enough to attend E3 and play the Breath of the Wild demo had the opportunity to experience one of the game’s bosses, a giant rock creature known as Steppe Talus. Encountering the creature also allowed players to listen to the golem-like creature’s themed music. Steppe Talus’s theme is one that fits with his size and intimidation, filled with drum beats and horns. The beating drums give the listener the sense of wandering through a thick forest or jungle, only to stumble upon the titan Steppe Talus. A YouTuber, known as Shady Cicada, has created a rock cover to this song and increased the energy and tension behind it.

Shady Cicada plays an electric guitar that follows the flow of the flutes and horns present in the piece, while a few drums hammer away in the background at a fast pace, which brings the intimidating feeling of the drums from the original piece into the song even more. The YouTuber also adds a bit of flair into the song by playing a bit of the Lost Woods theme as well as the Song of the Hero on his electric guitar as the song progresses.

Check out Shady Cicada’s cover, and let us know your thoughts on it in the comment section!

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