The official box art for Breath of the Wild has released for both America and Europe.  Both Breath of the Wild covers will be available to view in the gallery. The American box art has more of a mysterious look to it with Link’s back turned toward the viewer. He is standing on a mountaintop, surveying the land of Hyrule with his bow strapped to his back and his sword at the ready. The sun prepares to set in the sky.

The European box art, by contrast, has Link standing in an open field leaning on his sword. He is looking over his shoulder at the viewer. Link also appears to be overlooking some of Hyrule as well. He appears to be cautious of the slightly out of focus birds that flew over his head. Link is exploring Hyrule during mid-day, making the cover art brighter on the European version.

Which version do you like better? Let us know by participating in the poll. Explain your reason behind your vote, if you wish, in the comment section!

Source: EuroGamer

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