GameOver Jesse and some other YouTubers, including Commonwealth Realm, discuss how Nintendo could successfully market the NX. Because a rumor has surfaced that the NX may indeed be a hybrid between a portable system and a home console, GameOver Jesse believes that Nintendo needs to be clear and concise in defining what the NX is once it has been revealed. One of the YouTubers mentions a possible commercial idea that focuses on targeting busy families who want to spend more time with each other, if in fact the device can be both portable and played like a traditional console. The Youtubers also are excited for the possibility of being able to play Breath of the Wild on the go and at home.

The group also uses the failure of the Wii U as an example of what not to do when explaining the NX. Given that the power of the device is unknown in terms of how it will rival Sony and Microsoft’s next gen consoles, it is mentioned that Nintendo needs to be clear on the NX’s hardware capabilities. The NX, in theory, could be the most powerful handheld gaming device on the market, for example, so Nintendo should clearly define that aspect of the NX, if the rumor GameOver Jesse and his collaborators are working off of is true.

Listen to GameOver Jesse’s discussion, and join the conversation in the comment section! How do you think the NX could be successfully marketed to consumers?

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