Have you ever wanted a 100% complete collection of all official art ever published publicly? Your dream has finally come true, For the 30th anniversary of The Legend of Zelda series, a book titled The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Graphics is releasing in japan that contains all published official art for every Zelda title up through Twilight Princess HD (so, every title except Breath of the Wild). Like the 30th anniversary music collection, there are currently no plans to release this book outside of Japan. Naturally you can try your hand at importing the book.

Play Asia has the book available for international shipping for a whopping $57.99. However, considering it contains 30 years of official art history within, it may certainly be worth it to have the book in your collection. There is also a symposium of Nintendo’s legacy designers included, which is some neat facts to know if you ever find yourself in an extremely difficult Zelda trivia challenge.

Personally I want to continue to complain that this stuff isn’t releasing in the west, but at the same time I have to remember our poor Metroid fans, whose anniversary for their beloved series has been ignored by Nintendo while a fan celebration project was recently shut down.

Source: Twitter

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