Caleb, host of the YouTube channel Murph Dat Gaming, has given his top ten favorite songs in the Zelda franchise. The list encompasses several games in the Zelda franchise, including Twilight Princess, Skyward Sword, Spirit Tracks and even The Adventure of Link. Songs included are Fi’s Gratitude, Sacred Grove, Zelda’s Lullaby and Hyrule Field from Twilight Princess.

Personally, I feel that this list has a good mixture of music, befitting of different atmospheres, settings, and characters. There are some very common picks such as the Song of Storms, and the Overworld Theme. I was extremely shocked to see Sacred Grove in the number one slot, and even more so to see a song from Spirit Tracks on a top ten list.

What did you think of the list? Are there any Zelda songs that you enjoy that aren’t often found on top ten lists? Let us know below.

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