Wind Waker Box Art

Welcome to a new article series here at ZeldaInformer! You may be wondering what I mean by waiting out the Wii. Well, here it is: the Wii is a dying, virtually dead console. It basically is only two games away from permanently hitting the shelf just in time for his younger brother to take the stage. But Nintendo fanboys have to have something to do during this downtime in games, right? And with both the Wii and the 3DS in a state of sleep right now, what better way to keep myself entertained then to go back and play a lot of the Nintendo classics that I never got a chance to play?

That’s right, I have missed out on a LOT of games. I have only played a handful of N64 games and 1(2 counting Wind Waker) GameCube games. I have also missed out on a few Wii gems. So, I have decided to play them. And, being the dedicated writer that I am, I decided that I would share my experience with you all. So, read on to learn about my first experience with The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, and to vote for my next game.

Wind Waker was an amazing game. I was a bit wary of the graphics style, but I ended up loving it. I think it really works for the mood of the game. I also was a big fan of the sailing. I had heard that it became a bit boring at times, but I never noticed it. I loved the thrill of exploring and searching out new islands. Kinda made me feel like one of the historic explorers of the New World.

The music was also extraordinary. Being a part of my schools band, I could really understand the conducting with the Wind Waker. I would often find myself conducting along with Link during the cutscene! I also loved the story of the game, especially with Hyrule being underwater. I wish they would have included a little more chance for exploration in the underwater world. It would have been pretty neat to go to an optional throwback temple down there or something. The final boss battle is definitely one of my favorites. I have noticed one thing that all my final battles had in common(besides Link, Ganon(dorf), and Zelda): Zelda has got to be one of the worst shots ever. She never managed to actually hit Ganondorf in my battle with him. But somehow she was able to hit me so I could reflect it to him. That makes no sense, but whatever. Still an amazing time. What an amazing Zelda adventure, and it really gets me hyped up for Skyward Sword!

Overall, I would definitely recommend Wind Waker for any Nintendo fan who has not played it and is looking to exercise their Wii. I managed to get mine on eBay for around $25. Definitely worth it for me. I got hours of enjoyment out of it.

So, where do I go from here? Well…I was hoping that you guys would help me out with that. I have a list of games to play here that I have compiled. Sound off your vote from the list in the comments and look out for my next update with a recap of my time with that game!

  • The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask(Virtual Console)
  • Luigi’s Mansion(GameCube)
  • Pokemon Colosseum(GameCube)
  • Super Mario Sunshine(GameCube)
  • Metroid Prime(GameCube)
  • Paper Mario(Virtual Console)
  • New Super Mario Bros. Wii(Wii)
  • Kirby’s Epic Yarn(Wii)
  • The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures(GameCube)(note: I will only have single player for this)
  • (I will update the list with the sequels to Paper Mario and Prime after I have played the first in the series.)
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