3D Printed Majora’s Mask

Mask3D printing has been around for a little while and there have been many stories of things that have been made using a 3D printer. We here at Zelda Dungeon have done several stories about 3D printed Zelda items such as the hookshot and Master Sword and now we have another amazing item. Imgur user esseff3d has made Majora’s Mask using a 3D printer and it looks very impressive.

Take a look at some of the pictures after the jump.






Esseff3d has stated the model was printed in 4 pieces and then glued together but I never would have guessed if they hadn’t said. It’s a great looking model and the wood grain effect adds to the creepiness of the mask. Hopefully they’ll shut up and take my rupees! There are more pictures on the site so be sure to take a look.

What do you think? Are there any other items you’d like to see 3D printed? Let us know in the comments below.


Source: Reddit

Sorted Under: Majora's Mask